Disabled Project in Tibet Young Patients

Rehabilitation and vocational training for people with disabilities in Tibet was the grand aim and title bestowed upon this project proposed by the Lama Gangchen World Peace Foundation, Don Gnocchi Foundation and Aispo. However, we must remember that it is far too easy to get caught up in words, plans, budgets and bureaucracy and forget that humanitarian aid projects of this nature are created and exist because of real people. People who have lives and problems that we cannot possibly imagine and hopefully never have to experience. Projects of this kind have the power to relieve suffering and improve the quality of life of numbers of people. This project, for example, has changed the life of Nyma Puti, Tse Lhamo, Jamyang Chonzo and his family, Lobsang Tenzin…

  • Nyma Puti is just 13 years old but is already a key player in the care of her 10-year-old cousin Tse Lhamo. Before Tse Lhamo received the gift of a wheelchair Nyma Puti would carry her cousin on her back… Now, Nyma, in a short time, has learnt how to manoeuvre expertly the wheelchair confidently negotiating steps and corners.
  • Jamyang Chonzo is small for his 9 years, but what he misses in size he makes up with enthusiasm and speed. There is no stopping Jamyang now that Renzo has made for him a special walking frame. Jamyang got the hang of how to use the frame in minutes and confidently takes a rest every now and again by sitting on the crossbar.
  • Lobsang Tenzin, one of the children chosen for physiotherapy treatment at the beginning of the project has made amazing progress. Initially unsteady on his feet and unable or unwilling to move by himself Lobsang, who has cerebral palsy, is now much more confident in his movement and is walking unaided.
  • Tenzin Shelock has multiple problems but is blessed by a family that love him deeply. Coming from a remote village area Tenzin’s mother decided to remain in Shigatse, after receiving the possibility to attend physiotherapy at Tashi Lumpo Clinic, in an attempt to improve Tenzin’s condition. Laura has concentrated on including the mother of Tenzin in the therapeutic sessions so that she can continue the exercises even if she is unable to attend the clinic.
  • Tenzin Chontze has a smile that can light up a room; he is a good student and likes nothing better than to get his hands on the computer! Another recipient of a wheelchair he initially refused to use it, preferring a family member carry him. However, as he has slowly got used to seeing other children in the clinic using their wheelchairs his confidence has grown and his embarrassment lessened and hopefully he will begin to make the most of his newfound mobility.

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