Start a new adoption

1) Fill out the form and send it online.
Or: download the PDF and send it by email:

    I would like to help at a distance: (required)

    Please specify any other preferences (age, gender)

    I have made an initial payment of euro: (required)

    By: (required)

    Name: (required)

    Surname: (required)

    Address: (required)

    City and Postal Code: (required)

    Country: (required)



    E-mail: (required)

    I heard of the Association from:

    Date: (required)

    I read and accept the Right to Privacy

    I would like to receive newsletters and information on your activities


    2) Make your first payment with PayPal or credit card:

     Or by bank transfer to:
    Banca Popolare di Sondrio – Agency 13, Milan, Italy
    IBAN: IT58 D056 9601 6120 0000 2877 X24