Fondazione Lama Gangchen Help in Action Onlus offers humanitarian aid in favour of Himalayan communities: education, health, environmental care, protection of the weakest, interventions in emergency situations.
It also works to preserve and cultivate the ancient artistic, handicraft, medical and spiritual traditions of the Himalayas, a patrimony for all humanity.
May all beings:
- have happiness and its causes
- be free from suffering and its causes
- never be separated from the great happiness that is beyond all misery
- abide in equanimity free from prejudice, greed and hatred
- recover from the sicknesses of mind and body pollution and enjoy relative and absolute health now and forever
- relax in a pure and healthy outer and inner environment now and forever
- enjoy inner and world peace now and forever
(Lama Gangchen Rinpoche: the seven limitless meditations)