Disabled Project in Tibet Party at Tashi Lumpo Clinic

Following the official ceremony, held at the new rehabilitation and vocational training centre, a much more relaxed and informal gathering took place on the roof of Tashi Lumpo Clinic. The monk-doctors of the clinic, eager to show their appreciation of the project had prepared an elaborate tea party.

Doctor Tsepun, the head of the Clinic expressed, on behalf of all the staff, his gratitude for the new ideas and skills introduced into the everyday working practice of the Clinic. He explained how they had seen great improvements in all the patients treated over the two years, and that they had come to understand that there was in fact a great deal that could be done for people with disabilities. During staff discussions all the doctors working in the Clinic had agreed that the knowledge and techniques passed to them by Laura Negri and Renzo Pezzini, staff of the Don Gnocchi Foundation, during the duration of their stay in Tibet were extremely valuable and that from their point of view the project had been a great success.

Dr Tsepun presented the western representatives of the Lama Gangchen World Peace Foundation and Don Gnocchi Foundation with katags (ceremonial scarves) and gifts of traditional Tibetan handicrafts. According to monastic tradition, and upon the request of Lama Gangchen, a small gift and donation was given to each monk working in the clinic as well as to those who had worked for the project by Help in Action. Massimo Ferrario presented on behalf of the Don Gnocchi Foundation commemorative medals to Dr Tsepun and Kachen Wangchuk, the project secretary. He also presented notebooks and pens to the monks who had followed the physiotherapy training.

Later Doctor Tsepun and the clinic staff took the opportunity to make the most of modern technology by recording on video a message to Lama Gangchen in which they thanked him for bringing this important project to Tashi Lumpo and requested him to continue his support of the clinic.

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