Can you help? Tibet-China

The living conditions in the villages of Central Tibet, at an altitude of approximately 4000 meters, are very difficult. The houses are simply constructed from mud bricks and have few windows to stop the cold from entering; there is no water, no electricity, no heating and basic necessities such as mattresses and covers are missing.
The main means of livelihood is subsistence farming on the mountainous terrain, but the harvests from this dry and hard earth are often not enough to last the family more than 6 or 7 months. This means that people have no excess produce to sell and so there is not even the smallest amount of money incoming to buy clothes for the children, or medicine when they are sick or even to buy scholastic materials.
The children have to pass the harsh Tibetan winters dressed in rags, with whatever they can find on their feet and are often unable to attend the local schools.
Thanks to the donations collected by the Association, help reaches all the children of the villages and money, clothes, winter jackets, shoes, school materials, sacks of rice, flour and seeds are distributed to their families. The arrival of this help is always met with great joy and festivities in the villages.

All these children live in villages in Central Tibet and are waiting to receive help: if you would like to help one or more of them please contact us (Procedure to open a Long Distance Adoption) as soon as possible.